20 Weeks Pregnant - What to expect? Discover at a glance how your body is adapting and how your baby is growing and developing during the period when you are 20 Weeks Pregnant:
Week 20 - Day 1: You are half way through your pregnancy! Congratulations!
Week 20 - Day 2: Baby recognizes its' mothers voice
Week 20 - Day 3: Consider whether you want to find out the gender of your baby
Week 20 - Day 4: Your belly button may pop out as your uterus presses upwards
Week 20 - Day 5: Your baby has developed sleep and waking patterns
Week 20 - Day 6: Make sure you get enough rest - feelings of fatigue are common at this time
Week 20 - Day 7: Baby is about 19cm or 7.5 inches long & weighs about 12.3-15 oz (350-425 grams) - about the size of a small cantaloupe melon