Baby Names

17 Weeks

Baby Names

17 Weeks Pregnant - What to expect?
Discover at a glance how your body is adapting and how your baby is growing and developing during the period when you are 17 Weeks Pregnant:

Week 17 - Day 1: You will start to notice your baby’s movements

Week 17 - Day 2: Feeling hot is a common side effect of pregnancy

Week 17 - Day 3: Your baby's reflexes provide the ability to suck, swallow and blink

Week 17 - Day 4: Your baby can have dream (REM) sleep

Week 17 - Day 5: Low blood sugar can result in dizziness

Week 17 - Day 6: At this point you might need to consider wearing maternity or loose fitting clothes

Week 17 - Day 7: Baby is about 15cm or 6 inches long & weighs about 8.5 oz (250 grams) - about the size of an apple

What to expect at 17 Weeks Pregnant


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