Shakespearean Baby Girl Names Adriana Comedy of Errors Aemilia Comedy of Errors Alice Henry V Anne Richard III Audrey As You Like It Baptista Taming of the Shrew Beatrice Much Ado About Nothing Bianca Othello, Taming of the Shrew Celia As You Like It Constance King John Cordelia King Lear Desdemona Othello Diana All's Well that Ends Well Dorcas Winter's Tale Emilia Othello, Winter's Tale Francisca Measure for Measure Gertrude Hamlet Hecate Macbeth Helen Cymbeline Helena All's Well That Ends Well, A Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespearean Baby Girl Names Hermia A Midsummer Night's Dream Hermione Winter's Tale Hippolyta A Midsummer Night's Dream Imogen Cymbeline Iris The Tempest Isabella Measure for Measure Jaquenetta Love's Labour's Lost Jessica Merchant of Venice Julia Two Gentlemen of Verona Juliet Romeo & Juliet Katharina Taming of the Shrew Katharine Love's Labour's Lost Lavinia Titus Andronicus Lucetta Two Gentlemen of Verona Luciana Comedy of Errors |