The Name Evaluator Instructions Are you happy with the origins and meaning of your choice? Is the name easy to spell? Is the name easy to pronounce? Are you happy that there are no pitfalls associated with it? Does the first name sound right with the surname? Are the initials free of any family duplications or unpleasant associations? Are you happy that your choice would suit a child of School age? Are you happy that your choice would suit a senior citizen? Have you considered any connections with a celebrity or famous person? Have you considered whether your choice is liable to date quickly? Are you happy that your choice makes the sex of the child immediately clear? Are you happy with any possible diminutive forms or derivations for example John, Johnny, Jack or Richard, Rich, Dick, Ricky Are you happy with the category for example - traditional, fashionable, religious, ethnic or faddish? Have you considered any possible adverse psychological effects? Have you considered the importance of a name on a person's identity? Have you made the choice for your baby rather than yourself? |
Scoring the Name Evaluator 14 - 16 |
The Name Evaluator |
Baby Girl Names |