Baby Names

Middle Names


Baby Names

Middle names - A Safety Net? 
Giving a baby a Middle name , as well as a First name has become a custom in the Western World. Some people view this as, perhaps, a 'safety net' in case they make a mistake with their choice of first name. The logic is that should someone intensely dislike their first name that they can simply use their middle name instead! There are no statistics available which provide any information of how often this situation occurs.

Middle names - A Safety Net? 
Giving a baby a Middle name , as well as a First name has become a custom in the Western World. Some people view this as, perhaps, a 'safety net' in case they make a mistake with their choice of first name. The logic is that should someone intensely dislike their first name that they can simply use their middle name instead! There are no statistics available which provide any information of how often this situation occurs.

Middle names - Avoid Family feuds! 
Arguments can be avoided by the use of these! Old fashioned family names can be incorporated in a new baby's name with very little impact on the recipient. Many a family dispute has been settled by the use of these!

Sound reasons for giving a Middle name to a baby 
It's a sensible idea for quite a few reasons:
Middle names are viewed as the 'norm' 

People without them often feel that they have been disadvantaged

They help to identify family members who often save the First and Last name 

Confusion regarding posted letters to holders of identical first and last names in the same household are lessened by them

An American must! 

For Americans a Middle name is nigh on essential!! Giving a Middle name to an American is highly recommended. Middle names, or initials are expected. The absence of such a name can result in the initials NMI being added. John Smith would therefore be identified as J. Smith NMI. The NMI stands for No Middle Initial. Adopting an arbitrary initial to a name, devoid of a Middle name, does not fare much better. John X Smith is often clarified as John X (only) Smith. Oh Well! It keeps the Bureaucrats happy!

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