The Correct Order The order in which names in China are presented is the reverse to those from Western cultures. Traditionally these would therefore be transcribed in the following order: surname, given name. Chinese Given Names There are thousands of Chinese characters and the given name originating in China usually consists of two syllables taken from any of the thousands of these Chinese characters. The range of names is therefore almost limitless. These can represent and reflect all forms of nature and the environment or characteristics or even have mystical meanings. Many reflect specific periods in history. The Western custom of naming a baby after the given name of another member of the family would be unheard of in the Chinese culture. Chinese Boy Name examples Chen Cheng Chi Cong Dewei Fai Guang Ho Jun Kong Kuan-Yin Lee Lei Li Lian Liang Lok Long On Park Shaiming Shen Sheng Shing Sying Ye Yul Chinese Girl Name examples An Chan Juan Chang Cong Da-Xia Fang Fang Yin Fen Feng Huan Yue Hui Ying Jia Li Jiang Li Jiao Jin Jing Juan Jun Lee Lei Li Li Hua Li Mei Li Ming Li Na Li Qin Li Rong Li Wei Lian Lien Lin Lin Yao Ling Lixue Mei Mulan Park |