Baby Names

Celtic Baby Names


Baby Names

Celtic is the language of the Celts. The remains of the old Celtic language are found in the Scottish (also referred to as Gaelic), Irish (also known a the Erse), the Manx, Cornish and the Welsh dialects.

A name sometimes given to that dialect of the Celtic which is spoken in the Highlands of Scotland is called, by the Highlanders, Gaelic.

We have a fast selection of Celtic Baby Names on this page but if you want even more Celtic baby names go to our:

Full Lists of Celtic Baby Names!

Celtic Baby Girl Names A to F

Celtic Baby Girl Names G to Z

Celtic Baby Boy Names A to G
Celtic Baby Boy Names H to Z
Gaelic Baby Names

Sample Ideas for Celtic Girl Names

Awel - Celtic - Welsh
Awen - Celtic - Welsh
Awena - Celtic - Welsh
Baibre - Celtic - Irish
Banon - Celtic - Welsh
Barran - Celtic - Irish
Beathas - Celtic - Scottish
Cumania - Celtic - Irish
Cumina - Celtic - Scottish
Cymreiges - Celtic - Welsh
Daere - Celtic - Welsh
Dallas - Celtic - Scottish
Dallis - Celtic - Scottish
Dana - Celtic - Irish
Evanna - Celtic - Scottish
Eveleen - Celtic - Irish
Evina - Celtic - Scottish
Eyslk - Celtic - Welsh
Fainche - Celtic - Irish
Faline - Celtic - Irish
Fallon - Celtic - Irish
Fallyn - Celtic - Irish
Gwyndolyn - Celtic - Welsh
Gwynedd - Celtic - Welsh
Gwyneth - Celtic - Welsh
Gwynn - Celtic - Welsh
Gwynne - Celtic - Welsh
Hafwen - Celtic - Welsh
Henley - Celtic - Irish
Izett - Celtic - Irish
Jaime - Celtic - Scottish
Jaimee - Celtic - Scottish
Jaimelynn - Celtic - Scottish
Kionna - Celtic - Irish
Kyla - Celtic - Scottish
Labhaoise - Celtic - Irish
Laetitia - Celtic - Irish
Lainie - Celtic - Scottish
Lair - Celtic - Scottish
Muriel - Celtic - Irish
Myfanawy - Celtic - Welsh
Myma - Celtic - Irish
Nainsi - Celtic - Irish
Nairna - Celtic - Scottish
Robina - Celtic - Scottish
Rois - Celtic - Irish
Ronda - Celtic - Welsh
Rose - Celtic - Scottish
Sabia - Celtic - Irish
Sadhbba - Celtic - Irish
Sadhbh - Celtic - Irish

Sample Ideas for Celtic Boy Names

Athdar - Celtic - Scottish
Auley - Celtic - Irish
Avaon - Celtic - Welsh
Awstin - Celtic - Welsh
Bac - Celtic - Scottish
Badan - Celtic - Welsh
Badden - Celtic - Welsh
Cymry - Celtic - Welsh
Cynbal - Celtic - Welsh
Cynbel - Celtic - Welsh
Cystennin - Celtic - Welsh
Daeg - Celtic - Irish
Daegan - Celtic - Irish
Dafydd - Celtic - Welsh
Dagen - Celtic - Irish
Dahy - Celtic - Irish
Dai - Celtic - Welsh
Evrawg - Celtic - Welsh
Evyn - Celtic - Welsh
Ewan - Celtic - Irish
Ewen - Celtic - Irish
Fahey - Celtic - Irish
Fahy - Celtic - Irish
Faing - Celtic - Scottish
Fane - Celtic - Welsh
Gwyn - Celtic - Welsh
Gwyngad - Celtic - Welsh
Gwynn - Celtic - Welsh
Gwyr - Celtic - Welsh

Hughie - Celtic - Welsh
Huw - Celtic - Welsh
Hydd - Celtic - Welsh
Iago - Celtic - Welsh
Iain - Celtic - Scottish
Ian - Celtic - Scottish
Jestin - Celtic - Welsh
Jeston - Celtic - Welsh
Jock - Celtic - Scottish
Joshua - Celtic - Irish
Kade - Celtic - Scottish
Kai - Celtic - Welsh
Kai - Celtic - Scottish
Kam - Celtic - Scottish
Lyam - Celtic - Irish
Lydell - Celtic - Scottish
Lyel - Celtic - Scottish
Mabon - Celtic - Welsh
Mabsant - Celtic - Welsh
Macauley - Celtic - Scottish
Mack - Celtic - Scottish
Norris - Celtic - Scottish
Norval - Celtic - Scottish
Nynnyaw - Celtic - Welsh
Odanodan - Celtic - Irish
Odell - Celtic - Irish
Odgar - Celtic - Welsh
Pwyll - Celtic - Welsh
Pyrs - Celtic - Welsh
Quaid - Celtic - Irish
Quany - Celtic - Scottish
Ryn - Celtic - Welsh
Ryon - Celtic - Irish
Sadwm - Celtic - Welsh
Saer - Celtic - Welsh
Saith - Celtic - Welsh
Sandy - Celtic - Scottish
Tyrelle - Celtic - Irish
Tyrone - Celtic - Irish
Wynn - Celtic - Welsh
Yale - Celtic - Welsh

Full Lists of Celtic Baby Names!

Celtic Baby Girl Names A to F

Celtic Baby Girl Names G to Z

Celtic Baby Boy Names A to G

Celtic Baby Boy Names H to Z
Gaelic Baby Names

World of Baby Names

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